expections of fertility treatment

Before you start treatment it is important you have an understanding on

1. Why the type of fertility treatment you will be having was chosen. 
2. How do I expect this treatment to help me.
3. What is the chance of success
4. Am I prepared for the treatment to not  work on the first go.


1. FSH injections

FSH is required to stimulate the follicles you have to grow, to be able to retrieve more eggs than you would produce naturally. Examples are gonal-f, puregon, elonva.


2. Suppressing ovulation

Suppression is important to suppress your hormones and prevent ovulation.Examples are orgalutran, cetrotide, lucrin, synarel.


3. Trigger for ovulation

Trigger is important as want to retrieve mature eggs. Examples are ovidrel, pregnyl, decapeptide.


4. Luteal phase support

Luteal phase support. This is started after your egg retrieval.Examples are progesterone  pessaries, utrogestan, endometrin, ovidrel.





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