Who should consider IVF?
Male factor infertility
Blocked tubes
Unexplained infertility.
It will depend on how long you have been trying to achieve a pregnancy, your age, result of investigations which will determine if IVF is recommended.
If you are concerned the doctor is just saying you need IVF but you don’t know why, ask questions.
Discussion and decision making should be a partnership between patient and their doctor.
As a doctor I want to provide you with the best medical advice for you to consider and ultimately decide for yourself what you wish to proceed with.
Infertility in itself is a rollercoaster ride, as is IVF treatment at times.
How do you best prepare yourself for IVF?
Adjust lifestyles factors if required with tweaks to diet, increasing movement, sleeping adequately, cease smoking and recreational drug use, cut back on alcohol. Commence a prenatal multivitamin which contains folic acid and iodine.
Understand what is involved in the IVF process:
a. Stimulation of your ovaries
b. Egg retrieval
c. Embryo transfer
d. Embryo freezing and option of embryo testing.
Preparation for the unknown of IVF treatment
a. Pregnancy is the goal. Whether this occurs easily, with lots of hard work or not at all cannot be predicted.
b. Tools to help deal with the unknown without losing hope is important. This includes:
i. Communicating with your team what your realistic expectations of success are, knowing we still cannot know the outcome.
ii. Consider counseling. iii. Find your tribe who will listen and understand what you are going through.
iv. Use tools such as exercise, yoga, dance, really any hobby that will bring you joy in the tough times. You do not want infertility to define you.
v. Remember grief, anxiety, sadness, is a normal part of infertility. Having a cry, saying no to difficult events is an important part of caring for one’s self.